Thread: 60+ rps build
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Old November 4th, 2016, 15:16   #65
BenG's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Calgary
what people seem to forget is we are dealing with miniscule amounts of energy, we could play at 2j and have the exact same amount of hospital visits we have at 400fps........ none! albiet people would have a few more bleeders. Regardless the fps limit of 320 was established for CQB because 320 on a .20g bb gave the exact amount of energy to penetrate an unprotected eye, the philosphy being that if eyepro were to come off and you were to take a shot in the eye you would have a reasonable chance of not loosing said eye. personally i could care less if the CQB limit is 400 or 420 its all the same, provided everyone is taking proper precautions. you assume the risk by stepping on the field. I buy oakley eyewear and always were a strap, my glasses arnt going anywhere and nothing is going through them.

Secondly forgive me if I repeat whats already been said, I did skim the previous pages, briefly. we can give you a parts list that will do anything you ask, and you can put it together, and even if you dont do it right you still might be pretty close to the target, however its going to be inefficient and its going to break. As Pesto said, this is well beyond the expertise and skill level of someone taking a gun apart for the first time, and regardless as pesto also said, its not even needed. Theres a reason pesto builds all his guns in the 40-50 rps range and I do mine in the 40-45 rps range, its the most effecient spot for epic trigger response and longevity, IF its done right. my 416 is pushing 100 000 rounds on its parts, its been relubed twice, and i replaced the pinion, but it already had 50 000 shots on it when I put it in. Build it right and no matter how high stress your build is and itll last a long time.
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I think that's the direction I should have gone with this one though.
gen1 - I can't see shit
gen2 - I see LOTS of green, but not many people
gen3 - Nobody wants to play with me because I'm an elitist asshole now

Last edited by BenG; November 4th, 2016 at 15:28..
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