Originally Posted by chaz
Oh this thread is ripe with good reads
RPS isn't a goal most real airsofters aim for. My Z Custom build is north of 30 rps but I never run it in full auto and in fact both Semi and Full are locked to semi only now. The rps is a by-product of a snappy as fuck trigger which is what I wanted.
Honestly, you are in for a world of hurt and my advice is to do some research before you continue posting.
Yeah. I guess if I'm playing CQB, I don't need that much rps! I love instant trigger responses so that's what I think I'll do. I'll drop the fact that 30-40 rps is too much and focus on good internals and a great trigger response! I also have experience problems with semi auto not firing when I need it to. It locks up and I have to shoot on auto to "unlock" it. Do you have any problems with this?