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Old March 31st, 2016, 02:58   #4
"I like syrup on my blue waffles." #diseasedvagina
Handsonic's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Vaughan
I have never heard of people with disabilities being made fun of in airsoft. I personally have physical issues (Crohn's Disease and I'm nearly blind in the left eye) and everyone around me is VERY supportive. The first time my Crohn's acted up on the field, I went to sit out and 3 people came with me to make sure I was okay. While sitting out, a guy I had only just met bought me a drink and sat with me for 30 minutes. Plus, whenever my team is planning who goes where for a game, the captain lets me go down the paths I am most comfortable with, the ones with the least right turns, which would require the use of my left eye.

I've seen a girl with a heart problem have a serious issue at my local arena and everyone gave her space while EMS came. I've seen people pass out and nobody got in the way while help arrived. In neither of those situations was anyone being disrespectful in any manner.

I find that, as immature as the airsoft community CAN be, we are very welcoming to all different types of people (as long as they are adults).

Last edited by Handsonic; March 31st, 2016 at 03:00..
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