I started out in airsoft with a chest rig, went to a PC for more space and somewhere to hang a hydration carrier (first spear STT I can vouch it's awesome), and now I'm going back to chest rig.
If you go with a PC that is 6 channels wide up front (like the STT or the Mayflower APC) you might actually be losing real estate. You can only fit 3 mags across a PC like that (6 if you're double stacking) and then it comes down to putting stuff on your cummerbund. I never put anything on my cummerbund on my pistol side to preserve a clean draw without crap in the way. That doesn't leave much space unless you like stuff mounted under your weak side arm (which I don't).
As lurking said above, PC means weight and heat. Unless you're running training plates of course, then a PC makes sense.
2016 has been the gear downsize year for me... no more PC and bulky battle belt. I get more real estate and more comfort with a chest rig and hsgi drop leg panel.
If you need a PC though, STT is great.