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Old July 15th, 2015, 16:25   #66
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Smith Falls ON
Most people lie about what it sold for anyway, they don't want to admit how much of a hit they took on their "investment".

I sell all my stuff on consignment at an Airsoft store. Takes away flakes wasting time and the 15% commission is easily made up for in a retail setting and online advertising.

As for buying the only thing I buy is PTW's that have tackleberry motors and extra mags and batteries. For some reason these seem to be one of the few things reasonably priced and or can be negotiated to a decent price.

As for items being priced well I found there are 3 types of sellers. Need money fast (will take an offer that covers the need), want to money for something else (normally "ok" priced and not a lot of movement) and trying to make a profit off a purchase/getting out of a busted item (will bump until a sucker/newbie takes the bait).
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