Herooutdoors.com review
Just ordered a few hundred dollars worth of stuff from Herooutdoors.com in Toronto. They sent me an email asking me to call them about my order. As I was reading the email my phone rang. It was Hero Outdoors calling to ask me if I would like to substitute a double M4 mag pouch in for the 2 single mag pouches they had run out of. Worked out well as there were some other items I had forgotten to put in that order and was dreading having to pay the shipping on another order later. Very pleasant experience dealing with these guys. Previous orders have been bang on. and speedy. They even called my mother about an order she placed for me for a gift to see if she wanted to upgrade a set of goggles she had ordered to the next step up for the same price (due to a recent sale). Wow, that's customer service.
I cannot say enough good things about these guys. They've got it all and well priced. No need to shop else where.
Just figured I'd share as they deserve the publicity, and am genuinely impressed.
Last edited by neofight; January 22nd, 2015 at 13:02..