M4/M16 Thread
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January 13th, 2015, 01:13
Can't Aim worth a damn!! old lady gives me heck for missing the toilet all the time.
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Montreal area & Tatooine
Had a go at fixing my broken receiver trigger guard ear on the left side of my gun, somewhat permanently.
Trigger guard was cut from a repro Miad front strap. Holes were drilled to use screws instead of roll pins etc. A hole was drilled through the trigger guard into the receiver being very careful not to drill straight through. This screw was counter sunk as best I could so it's not felt when holding the grip. I was out of JB weld, so I resorted to Gorilla super glue to re-attach the broken ear & to help secure the trigger guard.
Also swapped stocks, added a RS Miad grip & gave the light grey zinc parkerized outer barrel and front sight a few coats of extremely thinned black enamel with my airbrush to darken them to get more of a manganese phosphate parkerized look.
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