You know, this topic keeps popping up. Wouldn't it be simpler to just save everyone 200$ and put a sound limit for those dangerous "noise making devices"? They are not required for a fun game, and everyone's hearing should definitely not be put at risk because a minority likes loud bangs. Besides, they are the one throwing the grenades, so they don't even face the dangers of their own loud bangs.
You can also vote with your wallet and save 200$ and stop attending games that allow such devices. Eventually, when their players pool dries out, the admins will have no choice but to control noise making devices.
As for the plane ride, if you don't mind the silly look, a 15$ work shop ear protection set would work marvel on a plane. Just don't plan on having a conversation with these on. ;)
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.
Québec province's master age verification representative.