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Old January 10th, 2015, 12:28   #6
kullwarrior's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Gen 1 or Gen 1+ are essentially useless. The resolution, signal to noise ratio, and gain are not worth investment
Armasight CORE is an improvement to Gen 1 in resolution and signal to noise ratio but it still fall short of a Gen 2
The only decent Gen 1 out there is the AN/PVS-2. It has a decent gain but there's a lot of distortion from using three Gen 1s
Gen 2 is a decent choice though I would suggest people to save up and go for Gen 2+ -especially those SHP (Super High Performance)
Gen 2 SHP are really good stuff but it is also reflected by its price (2k starting point) The resolution and signal to noise ratio are comparable to a Gen 3. It lacks in gain (If you play in games with atleast 1/4 moon, this wouldn't make much difference from
Gen 3 have better gain than Gen 2. It can produce image in very dark places where Gen 2 won't be able to. Signal to noise and resolution of Gen 2SHP and Gen 3 are really similiar (some old gen 3 loses to Gen 2 SHP
Gen 3+ aka Gen 3 Autogated Are the really expensive stuff. This is what the US army currently uses for its frontline troops. Excellent Signal to noise ratio, resolution, and gain (to put gain in prospective, Gen 3+ can produce gain upto 80,000X whereas a Gen 1 is 1000X). Autogating is great for playing games where people use flashlight, you can still have decent resolution under high light situation and somewhat protects your investment from bright light better than non-autogating (Gen 2 and higher have ABC -automatic brightness control, these still help perserve the night vision but not as good as autogating).

In terms of Eye-pro
Oakley SI 2.0 & 3.0 are probably the best spectacles out there. They are fitted really close to the face.
ESS Profile NVG also is a good choice though it protudes more than Oakley SI.
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