I am a small frame too and I have the FS Strandhogg in small and it fits me great, and is exceptionally comfortable and Light, but is freaking expensive at 400$+ (without shipping duty and taxes)
The FS SST (STT?) came out right after I bought my PC, and is half the price but has all the greatest features of the Strandhogg. At first sight, the only différence I can see is the shoulder pas that look less padded and comfy but if that's the kind of trade off there is to cut the price in half, I'd say it's a real good deal
You should consider doubling your budget and get a carrier that you can wear all day and keep for years!
My 2cents
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
Real life comparison,
GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle
AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh