As per last post, a little update to be posted. Finished putting together some small clips I recorded into a video regarding the project. I know it's... a bit cheesy, but I thought it was alright. :P
Also for scenario game ideas I am working on the idea what was suggested by a field owner for something along the lines of a bank heist, I will post that when I can get rule ideas worked out, and of course suggestions are welcome.
I've wanted to build this suit for a while now and was quite happy to start and get it put together for Anime North as well as Niagara Falls Comic Con, had such a great time meeting friendly people and talking about well, anything.

Since I have this functioning suit now for airsoft, I want to see if there are any fields in and around southern Ontario that would be interested in the inclusion of a juggernaut suit for some special scenarios.
I've made a Facebook page to have somewhere more social to post content as well, and will be uploading videos to Youtube that will go to the Fb page as well when new content rolls in. I will be gathering what action footage that I can with a Sony Action Cam HDR-AS30V to edit and upload after each game I can attend with the suit.
Anyway, here is the video link to YT as well as to the FB page if anyone is interested. I figure the video would be nice because it gives a bit more life into showcasing the suit setup thus far.
*There is some music on the Yt video, so start with your volume down a bit in case it pops up loudly. *
Youtube - Meet the Juggernaut
OntarioAirsoftJuggernaut Page