Originally Posted by CarpentryHero
Another game idea for juggernaut use is VIP
Escort the VIP through the assassins from point a to b, anytime the VIP gets hit you both need to red pawn back to point A
Assassins need to wait 1-5 min depending on field size.
Pad up, the juggernaut takes a pounding
Interesting scenario indeed, may have to try something like that on a field sometime, players be willing.
Currently the suit is padded with up to +20mm of eva foam across the whole front of the body. I had a friend punch me in the chest and barely felt anything other than the pushing effect. Same with the back of the vest and the sides, the spine has atleast 10-15mm of padding going vertically as well as across the lower sides of the back in an inverted T shape. Definitely stands up to full auto fire so far.
Next update I have a youtube video I am making to help get this out there, as I would love to travel around Southern Ontario and come out to games if people want to try something involving a Juggernaut. Gonna be kind of cheesy production-wise but it could do for now. Also will be working on an idea that a local airsoft field owner and I were discussing in-store. Something along the lines of a bank heist which I think would be a fantastic heavy weapons-fire style of game.