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Old June 17th, 2014, 21:53   #9
Spookums's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Guelph, Ontario.
So I went out to my local airsoft field this past Sunday with the Juggernaut suit to use for specialty games. The suit held up rather well, but I definitely have some gaps in armor that I will need to fill. Examples being inner and outer thighs as well as inner forearms and small pocket gaps where the ball and socket connect at the shoulder. As posted above and recommended by Redzaku, I will be looking at those Damascus protector guards for full knee to foot coverage, as well as those forearm protectors. I think they will provide a great amount of coverage for the inner areas of my arms, and the shoulder to bicep guards they have available might be good as well. If anyone has any different recommendations to compare against Damascus parts, please feel free to share.

Any suggestions on how to improve the setup or add to the design, or any comments in general are appreciated.

To add for the update, I include pretty pictures!

Photo from the day of play wearing all of the gear plus the A&K Mk43. Had a couple box loading issues that day but when the gun worked it was shooting ropes with crazy accuracy, with a $5.99 Lomex hopup upgrade. So glad I picked that up!

<a href= target=_blank>Juggernaut Community Page on Facebook</a>, <a href= target=_blank>On Youtube @ OntarioAirsoftJuggernaut</a>
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