Been working on a Juggernaut styled suit for cosplaying back at Anime North @ Toronto this year as well as Comic Con in Niagara Falls. Been having an itch to bring it out to airsoft fields for specialty games. The suit isn't going to be a perfect match to the games, but I have been content with how it's come along so far!
Currently packing an A&K Mk43 to bring along for the fun! The armor being used is an Interceptor OTV with some general OD kneepads as well as elbow pads both being used along the upper arms and forearms. Currently some standard cadpat kneepads and an OD battlebelt, OD nutflap and a cadpat backpack piece repurposed for rear protection, don't think it can be seen clearly here. Helmet is a Pasgat m88 with a riot visor. Armored gorget / neck collar was custom built by me.

Ignore the nerf gun in the last picture, was just a nice pose taken at a con. <.<
So far there could be room to wear full sealed goggles under the helmet with the visor engaged, going to be testing it to be sure. If not, eye pro can be worn with the visor up with no issues, so my precious eyeballs are safe and following field rules for safety.
Still looking at ideas for additional armoring such as thigh padding and full length knee and shin protectors. The idea being of course to be very well padded at least from the front, as playing in scenario games I would expect to be getting fired upon non-stop when moving in the open.
Also still looking at options for a weak spot, such as a bicycle bell or a small steel plate to hang from my chest somehow, that when hit will disable the juggernaut.
An idea of including a jugg into a specialty scenario would be to have it as a neutral unit as part of the environment between opposing sides. Players run up to the juggernaut and tag them while declaring their team colour to activate the unit, and he will then turn to march towards their enemy, firing until their weakspot is hit to stop them. Rinse and repeat!

Am definitely looking for other ideas for scenarios, and am looking to contact local / nearby fields to see if there would be any interest for such scenarios.
Neutral Bomb Plant Game w/Juggernaut idea
Neutral Bomb Plant game type:
Single bomb in the middle of field must be captured by Red or Blue team and delivered into the opposing base. A bomb carrier cannot carry the bomb and shoot their weapon at the same time. The bomb must be defended for one full minute to successfully detonate and win once delivered into the enemy base.. If an enemy player gets a hand on the bomb while it is planted, bomb is diffused and must be replanted to start another countdown.
Juggernaut is a neutral environmental unit, and is not in play until tagged in. To tag the Jugg in, simply lay a hand on him and call out your own team colour so that he can hear it. He will then 'power up' and engage your enemy team. (Ex. you call Blue, he goes after Red, and vice versa.) Juggernaut is invulnerable to all incoming weapons fire except for a weak spot attached to the front of his chest, like a bike bell or a small metal plate. If the object is hit, the Jugg is disabled until tagged in again. He cannot be knifed or in any way taken down with a melee strike, his armor is considered too potent. A grenade or other form of explosive can defeat him if it goes off in front of him. The Juggernaut can be treated as walking cover so a player can use him as such and can even shoot over his shoulder or around his sides, but cannot make or ask the Juggernaut to stop. He must always be moving towards the enemy objective whenever tagged in. Juggernaut cannot freeroam, they are either stationary when not tagged in/downed, or moving in a relatively straight path towards the current enemy.
Exceptions are for maneuvering difficult terrain, moving around objects of cover, and possibly into buildings if allowed.*
*If Juggernaut is allowed into a building that is along their walking path, they must enter the closest doorway to them and exit as reasonably possibly from the opposite side with a continual walk through the building, unless engaging an enemy.
Players are killed with one hit, but have unlimited respawns to make this a fast and furious game scenario. Players start the game at their respective main spawn points and can re-enter the game from the secondary or tertiary spawn points as well, provided there is at least three players available to spawn in at that point..
My apologies in advance if this is not the correct spot to post all of this in, but I figured since it is technically a themed suit based off of a video game that I would try here!