Thread: BW 1911 R2 part
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Old May 28th, 2014, 18:48   #1
Rage 01
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Calgary
BW 1911 R2 part

Here is the scoop. I hate it when customers bring me their stuff apart in bags! Let alone bins and expect me to put it back together because they don't know how to. Normally I can do it with out a problem. But once in a while I get something I have never taken apart before and expect to put it back together and have it work.
I got a Black Water BW1911 R2 in plastic bags the other day completely apart. :banghead:Now most pistols are kind of the same how ever I got this one all back together and have a piece left over in the bag. Which I have no clue where it goes. Any help would be great. BTW the pistol racks and shoots with the mag in and no BB's but as soon as I put BB's in then it will not push the bb into the chamber. I would assume it is because of the left over piece. Please see picture:
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