Originally Posted by thebreadbandit.
Don't forget to use the search function, bro. Since I've got nothing to do, I'll toss my 2 cents. I've recently bought a Puxing 777 (from online reviews & recommendations, fellow players I've gamed with, etc.). I've tried it around my house and in a forest behind my community, it's awesome. Common pros of these UHF/VHF vs. FRS/GMRS radios are:
- Extremely long lasting battery life (on Low power)
- Huge range
- Upgradable parts (antennas, headsets, etc.)
- Durable
- Progamming = easy peasy once you get the hang of it (Super customizable)
People who have actually gamed these in skirmishes and milsims will fill you in on the missing information.
FRS and GMRS are a family of OPEN Public frequencies with in the decimetre band known as UHF for which short range communication is legal.
After that any difference between Motorola's, Kenwoods, and so on come down to the output capabilities. Being capable of 460-470mhz transmission/receipt is not necessarily make a good radio.
Research the product before buying always. Larger battery capacities and water resistance are key things to pay attention to in batteries for the use in Airsoft. 9 times of 10 humidity is what kills your Crappy Tire Radios and because of poor build/designs it often does not take much humidity to kill them.
It has become a little annoying to hear reference of a UHF radio being better than an FRS radio, when Family Radio Service units ARE UHF radios. Just pre-programmed to be stuck in 450-470 range pending place of sale.
"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the '
Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster
Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!