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Old July 4th, 2013, 15:49   #14
Brian McIlmoyle
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Toronto

it has been just over 1 year since the founding of the unit. At this time I want to offer an overview of our progress.

Growth, has been slow, as expected I believe that over the next year we will see continued growth but slowly.

Unit development, everone's impressions have matured over the past year, with greater depth of uniforms and equipment.

Training: we have done quite a number of training events which have generally been well attended training goals are being met, we have a ways to go to get to standards.

Events: Foy in March? was attended by a full squad ( not all 9thss ) but the unit was under 9ss command and performed very well.

Blindside II - again we had in excess of a squad in attendance , again not all 9th SS but again under 9th command. The unit , and in particular the members of the 9th excelled.

Our Major training event OP Sharp Hatchet is coming up in about a week, I encourage all unit members to make it out, and to , if they can bring a interested buddy

Promotions: unit promotions will be posted after Sharp Hatchet, Criteria for promotion is in our establishing document at the head of this thread.

Future: Goals for this year ( year running from June 15 through to june 15 ) are continued growth with recruiting to build to a solid squad , and then to begin development of a second squad.

Training goals: to build familiarization with Basic German Language Commands and Battlefield communication. To continue to work on Squad tactical basics. More close combat training

Events: I will continue to strive to sponsor or host regular events as close to monthly as possible. OP Woodsman obviously will be our major fall event.

General: I have had a great time at every event, regardless of how many people show up or what we are doing, you are all a great group of guys ,and I'm proud of this unit and each and every menber of it.
Obersturmfuhrer Roland Krieger (reenactor Brian A Mcilmoyle)
Officer Commanding 1st Platoon
1st Company 20th SS Panzergrenadier Regiment
9th SS Panzer Division (Hohenstaufen)

Wenn die Zunge wie ein Schwert schneiden konnten die Toten wäre unendlich
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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