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Old January 8th, 2013, 14:54   #462
Join Date: Jan 2012
Today I received my real deal MBITR 6-pin socket form Toy Soldier.
Nothing but problems.

With the wiring mentioned in the first post by Conker (B through E), I had no feedback on my Thales Handset or U94 coiled + Sordin Dual Comm, but the speaker of the MBITR emitted sound. TX didn't work either...

With the wiring mentioned later in this topic (A through D) I have the following situation:
Thales Handset: RX on handset speaker AND MBITR speaker. TX works normally.
Original U94 coiled + Sordin Dualcomms: No RX, No PTT-reaction but when the radio is in RX and I press the PTT, i can hear static noise through the Sordin. (which is extremely brainf*ckin retarded)

I guess have the 2nd version (CCI sticker but came with no real socket)

Last edited by Aztec; January 8th, 2013 at 16:48..
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