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Old December 14th, 2012, 21:06   #201
e-luder's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Centre Mass
Thank you for all of that. I just got alot of parts for my gun the other day including a guarder lower frame and I was wondering if I should JB weld that front post thingy.
I always JB weld that post before installation. The Guarder Frames are stronger than the stock ones but they are not invincible. THey will crack and break sooner or later.

When they do crack, the usually crack at the base of the post and not around. This is because of the brass screw casing that come pre-installed.

So what I do is cement the casing in JB Weld. You'll notice that there is a large recess on top of the trigger guard on the innards of the frame. Fill that void with JB Weld.

Like this:

My Guarder frame has yet to show signs of wareage from this mod but then again, I don't use this specific Glock all that often...

No luck finding silicon oil or superlube in any local stores so I guess I could order it, can you suggest any specific brand?
I use the white lithium grease on my guns of the same brand if I can't find superlube.

This one here:

The debate on whether or not white lithium damages seals and o-rings rages on in different airsoft forums. Some swear by it, others hate it. SOme play it safe with silicone and others say silicone is too light.

But from my personal experience, there hasn't been any damages on any plastic and rubber components on any of my guns incurred from the use of white lithium grease. And I've been using it for a while now...
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."
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