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Old December 14th, 2012, 19:25   #200
.Zo's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: California
[quote=e-luder;1736245]I'm not surprised. That item has been discontinued for a long while now....

Depends on the muzzle velocity of your gun and where you play.

My general rule of thumb is to run with 20's for a gun that shoots at around 300-310 fps. Then 23's at 315-350 FPS and 25's at 350FPS and above and so on and so on.

But for my purposes, I always use 23s after everything has been done.

Remember that a lighter projectile will have a harder time contending with the primal forces (ie. wind). Whereas the heavier ones will have better accuracy but will come out of the barrel at a slower FPS rate. Still the same muzzle energy but difference velocities.

It's a personal preference when it comes down to it. Some guys here swear by 23s, other guys swear by 28s and 25s. And others just use 20s to show off a high FPS output on their gun....

Also, do you know where I can get a front sight post xD/QUOTE]

Just buy the 5ku ones or something cheap and paint the front sight white. They are like $10USD for the whole front and rear sight. The sight that I was looking at just said it was out of stock.

It's your choice. I like having no o-ring in my fill valves.
Thank you for all of that. I just got alot of parts for my gun the other day including a guarder lower frame and I was wondering if I should JB weld that front post thingy. No luck finding silicon oil or superlube in any local stores so I guess I could order it, can you suggest any specific brand?

No superlube but they had this, will it work?
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