Alright its been a long couple hours.
Luckily I have a completly gutted meu that I'm saving to put into a different built.
After swapping every single piece back and forth I found that-- the safety will engage with the hammer up or down no matter what if I use the 5ku sear.
The trigger pull seems to be back to normal.
However, I have another problem of when the magazine goes in, the slide gets stuck on the 'knocker vavle actuator' as I'm guoing to call it.
I believe I figured out this problem aswell as being spring related- GM4-38.
It was a little bent funny and when replaced with the other spring it worked.
So I'm awaiting a new (steel) knocker (firing pin) to replace my also crushed one, because it may have deformed my spring.
Thanks Illusion for the help.