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Old September 9th, 2012, 17:23   #1
2 Cent Tactical
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: NB
This is PolarStar Thread

So I know there are at least a few guys on here with P* FEs in their guns, and probably a bunch more once the V3 FEs come out.

I took the G&P M16 that I won at Rhino 2 and dropped an FE in. The install was simple as shit and I only had one problem. I had to put a piece of shrink wrap on the selector plate so that it would engage auto. The switch from the stock blue nozzle to the gold one only took a few mins to do too.

I took her outside for a test, lowered the settings as low as they would go with the FCU and got 6.5 RPS, I then brought them up as high as they would go and still have the mag feed and the chrono would not read it. Lowered it down a bit and clocked it shooting 38.9 RPS. Through all the readings I was getting a consistent ~365 FPS (0.25g) @110 Psi w/ gold nozzel

Its a freaking laser!

This thing is LOUD!! and I love it! lol
I want to get a firepig on it and get it even louder.

I tried screwing on a 100mm foam filled suppressor I had lying around and it actually made a BIG difference in the sound. This is the only rifle I have that a suppressor actually works on. I tried to capture the difference in sound with my camera but it just was not doing it close up, I'll have to wait until I can get somebody to stand downrange to record it :P
I also want to see if a longer suppressor will work better.

The hopup unit/rubber that came with the rifle suck, so I have a new unit, rubber, and TB coming in, I can't wait to test it with those parts.

I have the FE for the Echo1 M240 coming in the mail so hopefully I can get that installed and tested within the next 2 weeks.
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