Originally Posted by KEVORKIAN
As for quantity, my airsoft collection amounts to over 78 pieces...it has a significant dollar value attached to it and I would hope it will qualify as a 'collection'!
Substantial collection value does not mean shit, when my house got broken into there was some high prized airsoft items that got replaced as face value (without the Canadian markups) I lost quite a large chunk of money that I invest in my stuff. Depending on your insurer they may insist that you make all the possible prevention such as safe storage, They made me store all my valued airsoft items in safes, if you deal with Allstate they can insure practically anything but they will use overseas website price guide as their replacement guide so ie. that $2500 Inokatsu M60 will only get a $1500 replacement value if you lose it, or that uber leet FCC custom PTW that cost you $3200 will only get a replacement value of $2000