So I took some photos with some of my gear you a idea of what you can do and what some of the stuff looks like
This is my main set up. This is a CYMA Thompson with repo WW2 strap.
M42 Uniform from - At The Front
M1 Helmet
Pistol Belt
5 cell 20 rd Thompson Pouch
First Aid Pouch
Let Down Rope
Hawkins Mine (on left foot)
Jump Boots
Parachute strip as a scarf
The Goggles are WW2 dated Dust Goggles, used mostly my drivers but given to many
As you can see they look like crap when they are not on the helmet...I do not use them as my gaming goggles
This is the 506th AB jack that ATF sells. It comes with the extra pockets (Rigger Modified) one on each arm, and 2 on the back as seen here.
This is with all rigger pouches. I am on point for the patrol
Not so great but another look
Some RNR... WW2 era repo baseball glove. I am also having some German beer
With Jeep Cap
With out Jeep Cap
Better View of the pouches and lay out of gear