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Old January 4th, 2012, 07:20   #18
aZn_triXta07's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Hello Ian, please learn how to properly construct your sentences.

I'm laughing because you're going to start making your own kits? Sorry man but your use of they and we got a tad confusing.

I messaged you when you first set up shop, Justin had told me to deal with you but I said no mostly because this is Canada not the US. But heck when I contacted you you were not up front with your responses. When I did it'd take you quite some time.

Why would you send me photos of product supposedly in your possession photos from Hong Kong? You never gave me any reason to trust you & I warned anybody here before they dealt with you & I'm sure many people have felt the same way.

If you fail to establish good relationship with people or even a website that looks just as shady as an Asian Airsoft site when you are based out of the US it's quite a joke.

My dealings with Justin was never 100% he took his time but that was a custom project that required him to redesign a portion of a gun to make it work. Sadly this piece is now a one of a kind and I'm no longer the owner of it anymore. Everything else that was purchased was shipped quickly & as instructed.
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