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Old December 10th, 2011, 01:45   #22
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Ladysmith BC
Originally Posted by MultipleParadox View Post

While the though of using a real m870 crossed my mind,
I asked myself this question: what if another player would come with a real steel shotgun on the field? How would I feel about this, standing on the business end of a real shotgun, even if the player certified me he's using those Madbull shells? Answer: not comfortable at all. And I'm sure most would say the same. Even with the insignificant risk of having a real shell slipping in there, it's there;

So, for that main reason I'd rather build one; I have to say that the thrill and feeling of accomplishement is a good point as well.
I understand, trust me I understand LOL .. the point being that the real one would be literally modified to airsoft only.. the madbull SS6 shells are smaller then a standard 12gauge shell, and the hammer modified to fire the madbull shell is flat it's not a pin anymore... in essence.. all the real shells can TRY and fit all they want, they won't fit and they won't fire... basically it's a All metal Tanaka at that point.. for like Half the cost if not less LOL (for all intensive purposes, the Tanaka is a plastic M870 and can even use alot of the RS M870's internals)

but anyways... this is china lake, not ejector shotgun

as for loosing 40mm.. I'd rather look for a 40mm then a madbull shell LOL for being all shiney brass... they hide well!

anyone have any ideas on my initial thought of how to stop one 40mm behind another from setting it up while they are pressed together inside the ammo tube?
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
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