M92f Berreta KJW BB's leak problem
I know it sounds weird, but here's the exact problem! I can't fire or aim downward cause my BB's slide off the barrels..i had 2 theories, first was my hop-up, cause one day i wanted to adjust it and i turned the hop-up for a few mins trying to reach the limit..which doesnt seems to have one so now im just lost in where exactly i was with that hop-up adjusting..so it might just be 'bout that. Or i accidently drop the upper body with all the components from my balcony and it hit a rock (wasnt that high maybe 6 feet) but ive take a look and it doesnt seem to have AN APPARENT scratch or damage and ive been able to shoot well after that..just had a gas leak problem but that was due to my hop-up thing i told y'all earlier. So anyone as a diagnostic ? Im thinking 'bout changing the barrell/hop-up im pretty sure the problem comes from there!
P.S.: I'm really not certain but i dropped my upper body then tried to adjust the hop-up after..maybe there is a hop-up limit (cause now im pretty sure i could turn it on the same side for 10 mins it wouldnt matter), but maybe after the accident it kinda broked it ..but i did shot with my guns after that had some leaking probs but i was also at the end of my Greengas bottle so ..it might just has been a lack of gas.
Thanks guys