Thread: rusting parts
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Old May 23rd, 2011, 14:59   #1
W0lf's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Niagara Falls, ON
rusting parts

ok so i noticed this a few years ago with one of my previous guns, and now its happening to one of my more expensive builds.

every few days whenever i pull one of my m4's off my wall i notice that a lot of the parts have corroded with rust. primarily parts like the flash hider, bolt catch, receiver pins, anything thats really 'grey'. i live in niagara falls, and know theres a lot of moisture in the air, so what can i do to help prevent this?

someone told me keeping them in the gun case would prevent it from happening. but wheres the fun in that?

also, whats the best way to get the rust off without damagin or scratching anything? coca cola trick?

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