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Old May 4th, 2011, 15:34   #154
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Ok, just got a call back from Dennis at SORD. Here's the deal with their stuff.

1) They ran out of a majority of their initial fabric stock in the creation of trade show items and their Smocks (their big atacs release product are the smocks so it makes sense). They will be getting more fabric in stock soon and will begin fabrication of their ATACS uniforms (both light and regular field uniforms are not being produced right now) as soon as they have that.

2) Smocks & Hats are in stock in somewhat limited quantities.

3) All nylon products (pouches, etc.) are in full production and are fully stocked.

So they've credited back my card the difference on the uniform and will be sending my pouch and hat asap.

I'll just pick-up a set of propper pants for the time being I guess. I really prefer the SORD uniforms, but I'll just have to suck it up, lol. I'm on a list of people to call when they're back in stock, so I'm not too worried.
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