Originally Posted by SaltWaterDrinker
Your whole radio isnt programmed properly. Buttons and all.
If you wouldn't mind, please send me your programming ".txt"
PM me for my email. Did you use a USB converter?
Ultimately what that video represented is a corrupt codeplug. Data regarding button placement and capabilities was put into it incorrectly by the user, it was shipped with incorrect data, or the USB converter thing is causing problems. I haven't tried the preset PMR/programming files either...they might be causing a problem too...who knows.
Who used a USB serial converter and is having problems with their radio?
Thanks for the info, I will contact you in a few minutes.
For info:
I did not used a USB converter. I use a PC with Windows XP and a normal Com Port. Data Transfer is without any problems to the radio (write), sometimes I get an error when i try to "read" the channels from the radio to the PC.
Also I used this time the pmr preset file and after that I try the Dual Watch function on the radio. It doesn't work and as I press the F-Button + the button for scan the mbitr makes a sound like a sirene
After that I used the menu of the mbitr to reset it. And try this PMR file from Lucky131. After that the radio also not work properly, you can see it in the video.
The step by step manual from conker works fine, but I think something isn't right with my radio or with the preset file