If the tip of the nozzle is getting stuck in the chamber you should alter either the rubber seal in the chamber or the tip of the nozzle such that there is little to no resistance when retracting the nozzle.
The o-rings of the nozzle that seal against the brass tube's chamber must be lubed. They get hit with a lot of gas and dry out quickly.
The piston cup must also be lubed...since it'll drag against the brass tube cylinder portion if it's dry.
The bolt carrier and nozzle assembly must travel freely and smoothly back and forth...if it's catching or binding then it'll obviously hang up the system.
Basically gas will flow continuously until the hammer is cocked back to a given position. You can see/test this by manually cocking the hammer back with your thumb and watching where/when the knocker is kicked back into it's rearwardmost position. If the bolt carrier is not moving the hammer sufficiently...then gas will continue to flow until the mag is empty.
If your lower is operating correctly...then the bolt carrier isn't retracting enough to set the hammer back. Could be:
- poor gas seal between nozzle and chamber
- poor gas seal between piston cup and cylinder
- drag/friction/catching
- excessive hammer spring tension
- worn/broken parts between hammer (the little nub on it that trips part 66) or the arm of part 66