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Old April 9th, 2011, 18:43   #765
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Richmond, BC
Part 42 in my nozzle just died - the rear end of the floating-valve-esque-thing broke itself off the rest of the part. Gen 3 (originally Cansoft) M4A1 with basically no internal upgrades, short of the Stinger hop up adjuster and the green hop up rubber. Probably put around 1.5-2k BB's through it.

Can't wait for open bolt to come out now... not even going to bother with AWSS now that everything that could break has pretty much broken in mine. It's now at a point where it just won't cycle enough to chamber a BB anymore, so for the next month or so (I hope), it'll just be a damn paper weight. *WE, I hate you still.*
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