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Old January 31st, 2011, 11:08   #645
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: oakville
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About the ratech inner barrels I have some final conclusions that will solve this issues...

And the answer is...

Get a new inner barrel!

Turns out there first gen barrels and only some of them inherently have this problems with the bbs jamming and I don't believe there is a way to fix it so try to return it or exchange it where ever you bought it and if that don't work I would try contacting ratech.

On another note that mushroom tip On the nozzle if they are very tight I would still shave it down abit until it's not completely jammed into the bb chamber you do want it to stick abit for a good seal but generally everyone I have requires to much force to pull it out since doing this on my m4 the gun functions extremely better.

Another tip making sure ur guid rod the part that moves the nozzle back and fourth is very smooth and not sticky is very key to gun running at top condition a little grande oil in the hole with the back piece directly below the whole then work it threw it works wonders.

Wet sanding (600 grit) the entire bolt inner and outer to almost chrome finish is another awesome mod it looks amazing and for me again just made the gun that much better to use. After u do that to the brass tubes a nice polish after is a good plan.

Finally get some grease with Teflon and use it sparingly and get ready to fall in love with we gun again!
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