Sim here is my suggestions, similair to what everyone else has said with with one added step at the end...
1)See te shrink and remain calm and professional and explain what the deal is.
2)think about who initiated this complaint because I doubt someone randomly came across your vids and recognized you
3) go see your family doctor and tell him you are very worried and stressed regarding what has happened and the possible effects this may have on your career/life
4) contact human rights commission and tell them you are being maliciously persecuted by your employer
5) when you are cleared to go back to work show up the first day with letter from your doctor saying as a result of this situation you are stressed and unable to sleep etc.... And are taking a paid stress leave...then take the time you will be entitled to as a result of their actions and take a real vacation on their dime. Bunch of asshats...
Now this won't win you many friends with management so you may want to look at applying at another hospital if that's an option...
Do you belong to a union? If so have a union rep with you. And I know it's kind of an ass move to take the stress leave but who's to say if you are stressed or not? Sounds like a toxic and hostile work environment to me and besides they're trying to screw you so show them that you can play games too...
Anyways good luck and try to think about who started this shit...