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Old January 11th, 2011, 19:03   #10
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Winnipeg
While it's always good to have an extra stinger hop up on hand, I do not think this is your problem. Before I modded all my magazines for my scar, I had problems with chopped bbs. My gun would consistently fire parts of bbs, and not full ones. During this process, my hop up was ripped to shreds. The completely destroyed hop up made my gun's accuracy hilariously bad, but it never jammed my bbs.

Of course I could be wrong. But what sounds like is happening to you is your bbs are stacking inside your gun. I think it may be your npas valve not consistently pushing the bbs all the way into the inner barrel. If you suspect your hop up is damaged, you should take your gun apart and see if it is.
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