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Old January 11th, 2011, 17:11   #8
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I was away at Blue Mountain so I couldn't reply sooner.

-I disassembled the gun and did not find any shards nor broken bbs in the hopup
-What I noticed was that the bb does not necessarily jam, but rather it misfires
-When I shoot semi it appeared to be cycling properly, as in it would reset, but 8/30 bb’s would not come out, the second shot(sometimes third) would send both out.
-I thought it was a jamming issue, but when I pointed the barrel downwards I noticed the misfired bb(s) rolled out
-On one misfire incident, I pointed my barrel downwards and shook the rifle a bit, usually the bb’s rolled out, but this time it didn’t
-I proceeded to open up the gun and check the barrel, I found 1 bb stuck just before the retainer
-A majority of the time though the bb would roll out
-To the best of my knowledge, I believe this inconsistency is due to the hop-up or retainer thing that holds the next bb in chamber
-So I tried adjusting the black hop-up all the way CW and fully CCW, but the problem still persists
-I than turned my NPAS all the way up and down, but same problem
-The RATech nozzle seems to be fine, it worked proper in the past, but it was just recently that this issue started
-Prior to this issue I haven’t changed anything internally/externally

Variables Eliminated:
-I’ve used 2 different batches of Bbbastards .25’s and some Mad bulls .25’s (bb’s are not the cause)
-I inspected all my magazines and the lips and they all look proper (I also tested them on my WE Scar with no problems)

My theory is that the hopup is damaged. I’ve already placed an order for a new Stinger hopup, soon as it comes in update. If you guys have any other theories or suggestions, please share!
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