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Old January 9th, 2011, 12:34   #555
Join Date: Jan 2011
Originally Posted by onemenace View Post
For lack of my replacement parts arriving I decided to play around with part# 117 with some success.

Going back to what stealthy had posted up about lubing part #117 I gave it another shot.

I tried greasing it good making sure to have no contact with the hopup and it successfully shot about 5-8 bb's before jamming again (bb's would not shoot at all previously)

re-lubed #part 117 and again it would fire but would jam again after a few shots, I cant imagine taking apart the entire barrel to lube it up for only 5-8 shots so there must be more to this.

I noticed it looked like part #117 was now being pulled back into the brass tube on the bottom (opposite the side of the hopup) which I now believe that could be causing the new jam.

I spoke with frank from velocity arms and one of his gun docs who were both very helpful, what they suggested is trimming the mushroom on the tip of the nozzle in small degrees until I get the perfect fit. This seems like a better idea than taking it off #117
heres a picture of what I mean (highlighted in red) I'm still somewhat new to we and do not always have the proper technical terms.
Attachment 21250

I am going to try this on my stock nozzle that came with my m4 before I try this on my npas nozzle but thought I should post my findings and see if anyone has more help/advice.

have you had any luck with this? im experiencing the same problem, dont
want to trim or cut or drill or file anything without knowing it'll work right. i
think thought that it could be part #117 being pinched ever so slightly into a
tighter barrel causing more resistance for the bb to pass through like the
other guys are saying, a little file from the inside might be just what it
needs, but RA should have been all over this from the start. they leave a lot
of open ends in their products for people to figure out on their own, and ive
emailed them plenty of times. when ever its about something involving help
with their products they never email back. when its about ordering
something its less than 24 hrs... lame. if anyone has tried the grind of the
rubber/plastic bb holder (Part #117) and its successful, could you post it or
let us know? my beautiful hk416 is just sitting in a tech shop missing daddy.
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