If you can get age verified where you live you will have access to the ASC classifieds and retailer section. There's are TM Thompson M1A1's currently for sale in each.
If what you need is this:
...just be patient as they will be in stock sometime. On several forums I have read that the CAW / Mosquito Molds M1928 kits were no longer being made. Well guess what chicken butt? They are now for sale overseas at several retailers. Never say never eh.
Also, you can always contact / private message leecas on this forum or
http://www.ontarioairsoftwwiireenactors.com/forum/and ask him what fix he did. He has / had a repaired TM Thompson.
http://ww2aa.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=technical is a great resource for all things that are ww2 airsoft. Check it out.
I suppose another option is that Cyma Thompsons are available in Canada. You could always get your friend to replace the broken TM Thompson with one of these.