M1A1 Thompson Body Parts?
Hello. I hope I'm posting in the right section.
I'm in a predicament. I own a TM Thompson, which you can't purchase in Canada anymore, because of the new laws... I did something stupid and lent my AEG to a very close friend that I've known my whole life. He is in film and was making a movie. I trusted him to take good care of it. I told him these are my babies, I can't get these in canada anymore. He said he would.
I finally found out from him that the Thompsons body is cracked. Up by the weaker part of the fore grip. When I found this out I got really sad and kind of frustrated... He even left the thompson at a friends house, which I couldn't believe! I don't even know this person...
So he told me the news, and promised to replace it or get it repaired. I'm writing this to find out, if it's possible to order new body parts into Canada for the TM M1A1 Thompson AEG? I know you can't get this AEG in canada anymore because of the law changes. So I guess my only option is to get it repaired.
Does anyone know who can repair this or if I can get parts for this AEG in canada?
Thank you very much!