Originally Posted by Sbradshaw
so ive installed the ratech upgrade kit minus the hopup unit( not sure how its an upgrade it looks the same as origonal), but to the point... the orings on the ratech set seem to be larger than the origonal orings and are getting stuck. now do i use silicon oil on these or cylinder grease?? and will they eventually wear down?
Originally Posted by m102404
Run the bolt in and out until they wear in (might take a long while)...keep them lubed to help it along.
You can either try to find replacement o-rings and trial-error it until you find a nice fit...or (this is up to you to decide to do this) you can take some fine 400/600 grit wet-dry sandpaper and buff them down to size.
I was given the same advice by Tys as well. I have the entire o-ring section covered in white lithium grease. It rarely hangs now.
Tys I plan to reverse that spring tonight, ill let u know how it goes.