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Old September 30th, 2010, 10:36   #463
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Indonesia
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Don't know the specifics of the inner dimensions of the outer barrel on the 416. If there isn't a lip near the end of the other barrel that prevents the inner barrel from passing right out the end of it...then aside from the cosmetics of hiding that extra inner barrel length there's really no issue. You should check that the inner barrel is centered in the outer barrell....but that goes for any length.

Lots of people use the RATech works very nicely (see previous posts). I don't understand...why would you change the bolt carrier? Do you perhaps mean replacing the stock WE piston body with the RATech machined one? If's easiest to replace the entire unit...but you don't have to...lots of guys use the RATech nozzle with the rest of the stock parts.
i think u've bring me some enlightment , thanks a lot.
i ask again later , now i'm still waiting for my NPAS kit upgrades. so it means there's no more problem with the original WE bolt carrier.
hoping the Magpul PRS suitable for my HK , if not it'll be a waste since i already ordered it
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