Thread: MK18 Mod 1
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Old June 9th, 2010, 23:48   #24
Twin#1[Op-for]'s Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Langley BC
Oh boy...after I posted that I knew someone was going to bring that up! Yea, I posted that I'm building an MK18 variant as well, not "I'm building a mod1" I fully realize the differences! And yea, like I said my new outer barrel and QD KAC silencer is on the way. The thing with the mount is, at this time I can justify spending $40 just for a new mount, but it will come down the road. The last few pieces are coming together, now I just need to figure out how to get the translation/command sheet on the stock to fit! I know a few people posted them on here, but can't get my printer to print it the right size.
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