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Old April 25th, 2010, 23:13   #14
Eldin's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Saltspring Island, BC, Canada
Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith View Post
here's a pic of my friend Ragboy (his ASC nickname)

Is this something like this that you want to build?


Yea, pretty much exactly like that, except I'm also making ghillie pants and hood, and there's some more material covering the upper torso.

ShooGoo is amazing for attaching netting, much better than sewing. Is very strong, and also distributes the load of tearing over a larger area (picture a splotch of ShooGoo, typical application settles down to about 1/2" to 3/4", where sewing stays in place at maybe 1/8" of fabric), is rubbery enough to be a bit flexible, but strong enough that you will have a hard time tearing it off by hand.
That stuff sounds great, I'll pick some up.
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