Originally Posted by aznpos531
Could someone be so kind as to list the companies that make a 1911 GBB? AFAIK, the following companies make them:
- TM
- WE
- WA
- Army (?)
- Socom Gear (?)
- Bell
- Meister (Murashin?)
- Tanaka
- J-Armory (?)
- TM (?)
- TM
- Army(?)
- WA
- Socom Gear
- WE
Probably still missing some.
edit: Listed edited.
I'm not too sure what the relation of this post is to the rest of this thread is, since this thread is focused ONLY on Marui stuff - but as an fyi, a lot of the brands you've listed are just re-brands of some of the other companies you've listed.
ie, Socom Gear = WE. So while Socom Gear sells/markets a gun that WE themself doesn't sell, the basis behind your post "which companies MAKE the 1911", the answer would be WE in this case.
Similar goes for "RWC", which is short for Redwolf Custom. The base used for their guns are generally Tokyo Marui based, but if you want to go that route of listing companies that market specific builds, there are TONS of custom builders that you've left out. ... including ILLusion Kinetics.

Originally Posted by juicy
If I'm going to go ahead and replace my cloned MEU's hammer/sear/valve knocker/strut anyway (yes aftermarket bits will fit), should I go ahead and order a disconnector for my single-stacker while I'm at it?
I ask because I've noticed that the clone internals are not built out of great metals, and would be interested to know in advance if the contact between the sear and disconnector would be a potential point for rapid wear/break down.
Don't see a major reason why not to...
BUT, disconnector levers generally don't need replacing unless they're worn down or unless you want the assurance of greater reliability from a harder aftermarket part.
Generally, wear rate between these two contact points (for Marui) is considered very low. You would need tens of thousands of rounds before any appreciable wear shows itself.
I can't say the same for clones. However, I will say that I've noticed several clones have NOT properly cloned the sear disconnector design, and as a result, Marui sear disconnectors wouldn't work in said clone (ie KJW).
Originally Posted by juicy
Just a note, an aftermarket leaf spring and stirrup are also on my list of parts to buy - I'm thinking that a good disconnector-stirrup fit (i.e. parts from the same manufacturer) would make for a better trigger response, am I correct?
If you want a better trigger response, consider an adjustable trigger, steel adjustable stirrup, and hardened steel hammer set.