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Old February 7th, 2010, 11:06   #167
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by Slono View Post
I took some pictures of the chamber and I realized they're different. Is this completely fine? If I understand correctly the notches don't really need to be in the exact same place (on the chamber) because they are only responsible for bringing the slide back. RacingManiac also said the SD barrels work in the Nova slides, so that's proof work, but I want to know if there's any effect on the performance / function of the slide.

Edit: It turns out thhe notches on the chamber don't line up with the slide's notches and is incomptible. RM, didn't you say they were supposed to be compatible?
Edit EDIT: WOW, on second look, they gave me the wrong chamber. It does not look the same as the one advertised on the site AND this chamber+barrel was USED. Both the inside and outside areas were scratched and the barrel had DIRT in it inside. I'm extremely displeased with these two pieces and I will be demanding some sort of refund or store credit.
They look the same to me, website pic vs actual product. What's different about it? Manufacturers have the right to change their products through the life of the product line. This is common of any responsible manufacturer who monitors and maintains a product line. Changes are almost always functional, and if the major outlook or feature set is significantly changed, it will be advertised. ILLusion Kinetics does this as well. You have a stainless steel chamber with an o-ring, the round indicator notch and .45 ACP markings. That's generally what you paid for, and is what you got. The photo could be 5 years old, and you have a new product.

As for function, it doesn't matter if the lug divots don't line up, because:
  1. The lugs in your slide are already mashed up anyways.
  2. The main purpose for this swap was to pre-load the action of the barrel with a spring anyways, which completely negates the need for the slide lugs to engage the divots. Correct?
FYI, Most SD chambers I've handled come off the assembly line "dirty". It could be built up dirt attracted to dried coolant from the machining process. If you were expecting a shiny super clean product, then your expectations were unmanaged. While I wouldn't put it past Den Trinity to do something like swap in a used product, realize that Den Trinity is also the domestic distributor for Shooters Design in all of Hong Kong. If anybody has the newest version of a product, it would be them.

Last edited by ILLusion; February 7th, 2010 at 11:14..
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