Hello, I bought mine for around $100, but maybe the price has gone down. You dont have to be AV'd to buy accessories, but for AEGs, then yes you do.
Since my photobucket has maxed out this month, here is the link to my album:
Password: airsoft
Can you guys tell me if it works?
Originally Posted by incrediboy729
Thanks for the info. What I was referring to in the "replaceable bulb", I was wondering if there WERE replacements.
Thanks. I very well might get one of huangs, or just get a real surefire 6p and just use a flashlight mount. I really love the looks of actual weaponlights, but if the performance sucks, I could live with the look of a regular surefire. I found a G&P pressure switch cable at ehobbyasia so i could use that.
GSK88 and turok_t
I very well might look into one of those. How much for one? And do you have to be age verified to buy from him? And if you don't mind posting those pics that would be wonderful. Thank you.
What is everyones opinion on G&P's flashlights?
Thanks everyone for the help!