Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
Allow me to get things started by stating the most obvious choice.
Name Of The Gun (Model and Company name):Tokyo Marui MP5SD
Colour (Black, clear, mix, purple, etc.): Black
FPS (if not known not a big deal): 280FPS
Battery type: 8.4v mini 2/3 A
Physical Description of the gun (pull back stock, rail systems, etc.): Available in both full stock and retractable stock. No rails, optics can be mounted via claw mounts.
Other comments (rants, opinions, etcs. here): Quality product with a mechbox that left untouched can run for years as long as it used appropriately.
I vote for a TM also but with one caveat.
What are you friend's initials? Just imagine if his name was Charlie Ambrose, then he could get a CA so his gun had the same initials as his name