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Search: Posts Made By: CJay
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 9th, 2019, 16:43
Replies: 4
Views: 8,860
Posted By CJay
I actually had the same worry and simply started...

I actually had the same worry and simply started modifying my gearbox shells... i say modify when i really mean mutillate but you can see the result here (

Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 11th, 2019, 21:35
Replies: 4
Views: 8,860
Posted By CJay
HPA engine alignment kit / gearbox replacement kit

Designing a new HPA kit for drop in units that will eliminate bad alignment and messy maintenance.

The whole system is designed to make drop in HPA systems a no brainer to install. Ptw style...
Forum: General February 4th, 2017, 00:29
Replies: 63
Views: 56,612
Posted By CJay
can confirm it's pretty much glacial for me...

can confirm it's pretty much glacial for me anytime i try to use it with occasional fast page loads
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 8th, 2016, 13:08
Replies: 0
Views: 5,454
Posted By CJay
Make the PDR-C Look even better!

So I'm tinkering around with some designs and came up with this thing. The PDR in question has had the HPA treatment and is more or less setup as a DMR - now just the looks need to match! I'll try...
Forum: General March 31st, 2014, 15:48
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
thanks for the vote of support bud. I'll add the...

thanks for the vote of support bud. I'll add the website type isn't just inevitable but it's already being done on the small scale. connecting internationally is important as we (in general...
Forum: General March 31st, 2014, 15:33
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
website back up - gun sales disabled for now till...

website back up - gun sales disabled for now till i can code in the verification etc - whatever form that may be taking lol.
Forum: General March 30th, 2014, 12:08
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
Needed: Guinea Pigs

Kokanee as I understand it with most of the retailers I looked at this was not a common option as it cost more money. Certainly none of the local retailers here offer such service and any of th...
Forum: General March 29th, 2014, 19:48
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
As far as I can tell there's not retailer selling...

As far as I can tell there's not retailer selling guns online in Canada that asks for any form of Id check / age verification as it's essentially impossible on that scale, other than paying with a...
Forum: General March 28th, 2014, 22:08
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
Dude I replied. Albeit it may have been attached...

Dude I replied. Albeit it may have been attached to a longer message. As I said then we tracked bak the error and think we've fixed it. I asked you to try again.

Please read everything before you...
Forum: General March 28th, 2014, 13:47
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
I hear ya. The geo location is simply a...

I hear ya. The geo location is simply a reflection of the location you enter into the address field on the ad posting. You can leave that if you like. Basically it will simply centre the icon on the...
Forum: General March 28th, 2014, 12:47
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
You are aware that with a business account on...

You are aware that with a business account on paypal you can select the raw card data requirement?

At any rate you seem to be neglecting the fact tht every retailer in Canada is then in the same...
Forum: General March 28th, 2014, 10:30
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
Needed: Guinea Pigs

Yes but the credit card option is really the only way to do what we can to assure it. However the other option suggested was to buddy up with local airsoft sites and transfer verification from that...
Forum: General March 28th, 2014, 09:25
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
Needed: Guinea Pigs

That's true although I would suspect they rely on a similar system to what I'll be implementing. Payment requires some sort credit card typically.

Anyone have any info on that one?
Forum: General March 27th, 2014, 23:58
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
Ok so looking at the site I'm gonna split te...

Ok so looking at the site I'm gonna split te membership criteria. Standrd members can post and view all sections not related to guns thensekves but we're going to work on securing out the guns...
Forum: General March 27th, 2014, 18:56
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
Needed: Guinea Pigs

I'm aware that simply complying with regs is not in of itself adequate to assure most people that there is safety in the system which is why I'm taking this action. So with that in mind honestly. Any...
Forum: General March 27th, 2014, 18:51
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
Like I said (or didn't I guess) I can on...

Like I said (or didn't I guess)

I can on ocasion be a complete dick if I think the situation calls for it but u have raised a decent point. Just for terms of reference. The website has been...
Forum: General March 27th, 2014, 18:38
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
Kokanee. I've already sorted out the Llp...

Kokanee. I've already sorted out the Llp statement in regards to the legal requirements of such in its country of origin so no worries there.

I'm actually glad to have someone like you grabbing...
Forum: General March 27th, 2014, 18:08
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
Needed: Guinea Pigs

Yup I'm aware of that which is why the uk version is developed alongside UKARA and the VCRA legislation. Whilst UKARA is not actually a legally recognised database it is all that is required to prove...
Forum: General March 27th, 2014, 17:24
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
firstly I'll address importation side - Whilst...

firstly I'll address importation side - Whilst the site is multinational and there exists the possibillity of people listing items for cross border sales it is monitored and any sale purporting to...
Forum: General March 27th, 2014, 15:51
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
yup, I'm actually a member of 5 different airsoft...

yup, I'm actually a member of 5 different airsoft classifieds groups and one of the big problems has been facebook closing down groups when they attract a certain amount of attention. One of the...
Forum: General March 27th, 2014, 15:40
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
Needed: Guinea Pigs

Remember this is a multinational effort. This is not just for Canada and is certainly not replacing anything. Hell that's not the intention at all. However there has been a large surge in the last...
Forum: General March 27th, 2014, 15:36
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
I'll see what I can do bud. Thanks for the input.

I'll see what I can do bud. Thanks for the input.
Forum: General March 27th, 2014, 15:26
Replies: 49
Views: 22,638
Posted By CJay
Needed: Guinea Pigs

ok don't be fooled by the name - this is actually an airsoft thing and I'm just being a dingus...but on with the show!!!

So for over a year now I've been collaborating with a couple guys...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 3rd, 2013, 01:06
Replies: 16
Views: 17,679
Posted By CJay
I've owned 4 tm p90's and serviced plenty for...

I've owned 4 tm p90's and serviced plenty for people. Standard v2 gears are fine and have never been an issue EVER. Also I can go to one of about 10 online retailers I know and get replacement...
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 26th, 2012, 18:32
Replies: 6
Views: 9,391
Posted By CJay
I have one on order lol. It's really the only...

I have one on order lol. It's really the only thing I can think of being bad now
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 26th, 2012, 18:05
Replies: 6
Views: 9,391
Posted By CJay
unfortunately already triwd with 2 mag catches...

unfortunately already triwd with 2 mag catches sorry - forgot to mention it - even tried firing pushing the mags up higher
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 26th, 2012, 17:43
Replies: 6
Views: 9,391
Posted By CJay
hicapa 5.1 - cycle issues

hey guys so i have a TM hicapa 5.1 - I'm the original owner of the gun and it worked well for 2 years after a metal slide upgrade - everything else stock.

the issue I'm having is this:

Forum: Accessories Discussion May 15th, 2012, 21:41
Replies: 7
Views: 6,812
Posted By CJay
Thatd be great thanks.

Thatd be great thanks.
Forum: Accessories Discussion May 15th, 2012, 16:54
Replies: 7
Views: 6,812
Posted By CJay
maybe i got a defective one because it toggles...

maybe i got a defective one because it toggles between strobe and normal modes if u double tp anywhere within about 3 seconds rather than 0.4 lol - not a big deal but i may just call em and find out....
Forum: Accessories Discussion May 15th, 2012, 15:05
Replies: 7
Views: 6,812
Posted By CJay
Streamlight TLR-2 with strobe

Hey guys, just picked up a streamlight tlr2 and was wandering if anyone could enlighten me on the programming for the strobe function. Basically I wanna disable it permanently as currently 2 clicks...
Forum: Doctor's Corner May 5th, 2012, 21:42
Replies: 3
Views: 5,479
Posted By CJay
much appreciated thanks. now next question -...

much appreciated thanks.

now next question - with the standard npas adjust tool u get with it work in the tight space u have there or will i have to disassemble to adjust every time lol?

Forum: Doctor's Corner May 5th, 2012, 18:02
Replies: 3
Views: 5,479
Posted By CJay
Kjw 10/22 npas

hey guys, I have the KJW Ruger 10/22 and i also have the corresponding npas for it - i.e. the kjw M4 NPAS. Are there any guides online that show you how to properly install it on a 10/22. have been...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 29th, 2012, 12:20
Replies: 19
Views: 19,678
Posted By CJay
Yup on the DMR. Works great. It actually makes...

Yup on the DMR. Works great. It actually makes the gun quieter and far more responsive (duh). But the quietness is something I wasnt expecting at all. No motor whine like in normal. Not that there...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 28th, 2012, 13:06
Replies: 19
Views: 19,678
Posted By CJay
I'll maybe see if I can do something to be able...

I'll maybe see if I can do something to be able to deactivate the active brake without double tapping in semi. Probs just switch to a custom large type 9.6v nimh probs the easiest thing to do.
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 27th, 2012, 19:35
Replies: 19
Views: 19,678
Posted By CJay
Here's a thought. Will a lower capacity lipo be...

Here's a thought. Will a lower capacity lipo be easier on the motor? I'm unfamiliar with how lipos deliver charge based on capacity. Is it similar to nimh or is lipo a totally different setup?
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 27th, 2012, 19:33
Replies: 19
Views: 19,678
Posted By CJay
Brand new motors and overheat has never been an...

Brand new motors and overheat has never been an issue before the MOSFET. But then I never extensively games the gun without the MOSFET.

I've actually managed to fry a tm eg30000 and 2 guarder...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 27th, 2012, 16:31
Replies: 19
Views: 19,678
Posted By CJay
Not using full auto lol. I wouldn't care bout...

Not using full auto lol. I wouldn't care bout braking in full cos really it doesn't make any real difference. I'm using the chip on a gun rate at 350 and also on another shooting at 510. Same...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 27th, 2012, 12:31
Replies: 19
Views: 19,678
Posted By CJay
Motor overheating

Hey guys here's the setup:

Raptor v2 active braking enabled.
Guarder infinite torque motor.
20c continuous 3200mAh lipo.
M90 spring/m130 spring

Basically I'm cooking the motor enough that...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 27th, 2012, 12:01
Replies: 6
Views: 5,776
Posted By CJay
I had this very issue with my vsr. The fix is...

I had this very issue with my vsr. The fix is actually pretty simple. As the bb moves up there's an almost cup shaped guide that makes is shift forward and hold in place. In mine the bb was falling...
Forum: Doctor's Corner February 27th, 2012, 18:53
Replies: 11
Views: 7,415
Posted By CJay
I dunno maybe. They are bang on measurement for...

I dunno maybe. They are bang on measurement for measurement.

Here's something really interesting though. I turned off the active motor brake in the raptor settings and the spring was fine over 5...
Forum: Doctor's Corner February 22nd, 2012, 00:29
Replies: 11
Views: 7,415
Posted By CJay
yeah i have like a zillion hanging around in my...

yeah i have like a zillion hanging around in my handy dandy version 2 parts hamper so it's not a big deal but I'll maybe try a systema one then :D

Glad to know I'm not the only person who had this...
Forum: Doctor's Corner February 21st, 2012, 23:53
Replies: 11
Views: 7,415
Posted By CJay
Forum: Doctor's Corner February 21st, 2012, 23:50
Replies: 11
Views: 7,415
Posted By CJay
no looking at it thats not the issue - it's...

no looking at it thats not the issue - it's breaking on the back end of the straight portion thats not touching the latch - hold on I'll upload a pic for ya.
Forum: Doctor's Corner February 21st, 2012, 23:35
Replies: 11
Views: 7,415
Posted By CJay
I'll maybe give that a try :D

I'll maybe give that a try :D
Forum: Doctor's Corner February 21st, 2012, 23:16
Replies: 11
Views: 7,415
Posted By CJay
same place every time - makes good contact with...

same place every time - makes good contact with the gear latches and not sitting squint or off centre - no wear on the gear latches or the latch... just to be sure I replaces the latch at the same...
Forum: Doctor's Corner February 21st, 2012, 22:54
Replies: 11
Views: 7,415
Posted By CJay
Really weird problem - am I the only one???

Hey guys - just interested if I'm the only person who has ever managed to do this.

I've now snapped 3 anti-reversal latch springs in the last month. I don't get how these are breaking as they are...
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 13th, 2012, 22:02
Replies: 3
Views: 4,417
Posted By CJay
almost certainly the sear especially if its seen...

almost certainly the sear especially if its seen lots of use - if u have trouble finding one fire me a PM - I just ordered out ehobby every single one they had... i gots 8 on the way lol
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 13th, 2012, 21:59
Replies: 19
Views: 13,187
Posted By CJay
yeah i finally worked it out but TBH why waste...

yeah i finally worked it out but TBH why waste money on a POS WE (anymore than i already have at any rate) TM is king in hicappa land and have been using a TM 5.1 for comin up 2 years now and not a...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 11th, 2012, 16:59
Replies: 21
Views: 15,530
Posted By CJay
checkout the raptor V2 HERE...

checkout the raptor V2 HERE (

I have tried all the cheetah variants and the ASCU's along with 3 versions of the trigger master over the last 6 years and the...
Forum: General January 2nd, 2012, 12:53
Replies: 31
Views: 26,084
Posted By CJay
I've seen other ideas like this before and answer...

I've seen other ideas like this before and answer simply put is yes somebody already has done what ur suggesting (kind of...) and no there are no real cap mags that can utillise them as yet for m4...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 238

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