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Search: Posts Made By: ledor473
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 26th, 2009, 20:31
Replies: 27
Views: 17,111
Posted By ledor473
@ThunderCactus: It's because when I receive it,...

@ThunderCactus: It's because when I receive it, it was shooting stronger, at least was going throw a pop can...

I'll try to find another spring and test again...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 26th, 2009, 00:03
Replies: 27
Views: 17,111
Posted By ledor473
Well I know that for you it's not very expensive...

Well I know that for you it's not very expensive but for me it is... I know you mean that it's gonna cost me less than that but....

Anyway I will think of that.... if another gundoc live closer, I...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 25th, 2009, 23:31
Replies: 27
Views: 17,111
Posted By ledor473
Well, I have to admit that I would like to send...

Well, I have to admit that I would like to send it to you, I mean you seems trust-able but I don't have 1000$ to put in this UMG... If Modify is the cheapeast parts you use, I don't have necessary...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 25th, 2009, 23:03
Replies: 27
Views: 17,111
Posted By ledor473
Great news, I receive my command today! Bad...

Great news, I receive my command today!

Bad news: I install everything I got, I go buy some white lithium grease, I grease it and it's still not working great....

-Misfeed (way too...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 19th, 2009, 19:56
Replies: 27
Views: 17,111
Posted By ledor473
I receive my sorbo pad, thanks for the awesome...

I receive my sorbo pad, thanks for the awesome ARS's customer service and also thanks to Amos!

I also buy a Modify cylinder head and some grease form airsoftparts, should receive it next week I...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 11th, 2009, 21:33
Replies: 27
Views: 17,111
Posted By ledor473
Okok so if it's normal, I need to find another...

Okok so if it's normal, I need to find another problem that explain the low fps...
Maybe the cylinder head is really the problem
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 11th, 2009, 21:29
Replies: 27
Views: 17,111
Posted By ledor473
After semi. When I shot in full auto it can...

After semi.
When I shot in full auto it can happen to stay forward but it's pretty random and normal too
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 11th, 2009, 17:10
Replies: 27
Views: 17,111
Posted By ledor473
Okok then I will install the new one when I got...

Okok then I will install the new one when I got it.
But it doesnt change the cycling problem... My piston dont stay forward after each shot, it stay at the middle of the brass tube. Do you think its...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 11th, 2009, 11:32
Replies: 27
Views: 17,111
Posted By ledor473
Wow thanks Amos, I will test it

Wow thanks Amos, I will test it
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 10th, 2009, 18:19
Replies: 27
Views: 17,111
Posted By ledor473
Okok! Well for the silicon based, I can't...


Well for the silicon based, I can't really know, nothin seems to be scrap execpt the sorbo. I will clean up everything when I will install my cylinder head.

No idea why the cycle is all...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 10th, 2009, 16:38
Replies: 27
Views: 17,111
Posted By ledor473
Their is no timing with AEG? We dont need to put...

Their is no timing with AEG? We dont need to put it at 1oclock or semething like this?...

The grease is white but he dont put alot of it so cant help with that... Sounds like lithium grease but...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 10th, 2009, 12:44
Replies: 27
Views: 17,111
Posted By ledor473
Okok thanks, I will check this ;) Update: ...

Okok thanks, I will check this ;)

I re-open the gearbox yesterday to check if I did the gear timing and also if the spring was not inversed. But no, it's not my issue...

But a strange...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 7th, 2009, 22:59
Replies: 27
Views: 17,111
Posted By ledor473
Help: G&G UMG V3 problem


To begin, I've to admit that I'm pretty new to internal upgrade, habitually I don't open a mechbox, I change it. But I did alot of external work on my old m4 and my actual UMG so I know...
Forum: Gear Discussion October 29th, 2009, 17:01
Replies: 10
Views: 6,985
Posted By ledor473
How about UMP mag? They probably dont fit inside...

How about UMP mag? They probably dont fit inside right?
Forum: Airsoft Media August 22nd, 2009, 11:10
Replies: 9
Views: 13,249
Posted By ledor473
Amazing! Very good work again huang! Are you...

Amazing! Very good work again huang!

Are you gonna built some? And sell them?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications August 10th, 2009, 00:00
Replies: 9
Views: 10,484
Posted By ledor473
I already ask if we can become friend and make an...

I already ask if we can become friend and make an exemption :P

But he said that: New export Laws in the U.S. just sux big time, so many hoops to jump and fees to do it legally that we just don't...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications August 9th, 2009, 23:44
Replies: 9
Views: 10,484
Posted By ledor473
Well I ask the first retailler (who was selling...

Well I ask the first retailler (who was selling them 35USD! Yes it's very cheap parts!) and he told me that they cannot export it because of a new US laws and he recommend me to deliver it to a...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications August 9th, 2009, 16:46
Replies: 9
Views: 10,484
Posted By ledor473
Okok I found some website where I can order...


I found some website where I can order it but they are in USA. Do you know if I can import it?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications August 9th, 2009, 13:04
Replies: 9
Views: 10,484
Posted By ledor473
Yep I see that ;) But is I can find a stock...

Yep I see that ;)

But is I can find a stock I will epoxy it to the grip and it's gonna be ok :P

But if alle the lower receiver is avalid it's gonna be better (but I can't find one..)
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications August 9th, 2009, 12:30
Replies: 9
Views: 10,484
Posted By ledor473
Mod an UMP into a USC


Yesterday, I saw for the first time the USC rifle:
And i fall in love with it.

Now i'm looking to mod my UMP into that, anyone have an...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications August 4th, 2009, 18:23
Replies: 11
Views: 8,318
Posted By ledor473
MadMansGun, have you buy the 7mm or the 8mm?? ...

MadMansGun, have you buy the 7mm or the 8mm??

Btw, I was looking for a review about the 8mm too... I hope you will do it ginnz!
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 22nd, 2009, 14:34
Replies: 10
Views: 13,676
Posted By ledor473
Ooooh! I want one! Any price yet?

Ooooh! I want one!

Any price yet?
Forum: Newbie Tank May 24th, 2009, 23:50
Replies: 13
Views: 7,849
Posted By ledor473
About the icom: Yea I find it out me too one hour...

About the icom: Yea I find it out me too one hour ago (for this thread) but I can't find any documentation about which pin is what...

For the push-to-talk switch, you only need a little switch,...
Forum: Newbie Tank May 24th, 2009, 22:28
Replies: 13
Views: 7,849
Posted By ledor473
Sorry crunchmeister, but with those CB (i have...

Sorry crunchmeister, but with those CB (i have them but a older version) the big plug is for speaker and the smaller one is for mic.
Mine come with those earbud:...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications May 18th, 2009, 09:49
Replies: 19
Views: 13,160
Posted By ledor473
Nice idea the 20 pounds :P Not that hard to find,...

Nice idea the 20 pounds :P Not that hard to find, not that hard to carry

I will probably make it in the end of the summer ;)
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications May 17th, 2009, 23:42
Replies: 19
Views: 13,160
Posted By ledor473
Ok thanks! I have my answer! Thank you guys

Ok thanks!
I have my answer! Thank you guys
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications May 17th, 2009, 23:04
Replies: 19
Views: 13,160
Posted By ledor473
@ Disco: Ya I heard that too, I heard they don't...

@ Disco: Ya I heard that too, I heard they don't want it and they only buy some C-Mag and some bipod for their g36

@ kalnaren: I know, it's same for the 2 first picture...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications May 17th, 2009, 21:54
Replies: 19
Views: 13,160
Posted By ledor473
Ok ok for the pic, I thought that was more than...

Ok ok for the pic, I thought that was more than just that because of this site: (Note: That is not a LMG36!)

So if it's only that thank you guys
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications May 17th, 2009, 21:27
Replies: 19
Views: 13,160
Posted By ledor473
Make a MG36


I got an Classic Army CA36 (the one with the very long barrel).
I'm looking to do a MG36, but I want to field it as a LMG.
I know that only a G36 with a box mag will not be accepted as a LMG...
Forum: Accessories Discussion May 17th, 2009, 21:22
Replies: 14
Views: 12,393
Posted By ledor473
If I can give you an advice, fire the gun away...

If I can give you an advice, fire the gun away from the iphone, cause the mic is too sensitive and will not clearly recognize the BPS...

Btw Mitchell12 have a good idea.
Forum: Newbie Tank May 2nd, 2009, 17:16
Replies: 3
Views: 4,060
Posted By ledor473
Ok thx Shakal, I will try it ;) @Mr.Hitman:...

Ok thx Shakal, I will try it ;)

@Mr.Hitman: When I mount my rail on it (very gently) it scratch the paint. The paint is made 2 week ago, I put 6 thin layer of paint but it scratch... (it's on...
Forum: Newbie Tank May 1st, 2009, 22:16
Replies: 3
Views: 4,060
Posted By ledor473
Clear coat brand


I recently paint my barrel with flat black Krylon but the finish is not very hard. I read somewhere that we can add more durability by adding clear coat but what is that?
What brand should I...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 21st, 2009, 18:17
Replies: 10
Views: 6,921
Posted By ledor473
For the gundoc, fill up your information (in the...

For the gundoc, fill up your information (in the User CP).

About the airsoft, I suggest you to downgrade the spring. If you got the new JG black gearbox you will need it cause it will break soon....
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 19th, 2009, 22:18
Replies: 26
Views: 18,525
Posted By ledor473
Also if you got a crappy Dboys or something like...

Also if you got a crappy Dboys or something like that, change the shell to a good brand it will help you and make your life easier (if you can't fix it with the grease before ;) )
Forum: Newbie Tank April 18th, 2009, 12:25
Replies: 16
Views: 10,001
Posted By ledor473
Have you test it? Or you have read it some where....

Have you test it? Or you have read it some where. That's a reason why I will test it
Forum: Newbie Tank April 18th, 2009, 12:11
Replies: 16
Views: 10,001
Posted By ledor473
Ok thank you ;) I will probably buy a bag of...

Ok thank you ;)

I will probably buy a bag of BBB Max to test it, and find by myself if those are very bad ;) (i'm waiting for a price...)
Forum: Newbie Tank April 17th, 2009, 23:38
Replies: 16
Views: 10,001
Posted By ledor473
The owner was attracted by Bioval BB but if it...

The owner was attracted by Bioval BB but if it can break a windows i dont imagine what it can do on the skin... I propose him to buy a little bag to test it, try if it really break a window and also...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 17th, 2009, 23:09
Replies: 20
Views: 9,747
Posted By ledor473
You can use a power supply unit for a computer....

You can use a power supply unit for a computer. Some power supply have 3 different circuit that can pull something like 18watt each (my Antec have it). I think only 1 circuit can generate enough...
Forum: Newbie Tank April 17th, 2009, 23:01
Replies: 16
Views: 10,001
Posted By ledor473
Thank you very much for the information :D I...

Thank you very much for the information :D

I think the owner prefer to use Bio BB because he probably think that the plastic will contaminate his ground. If you can proof me that every BB can...
Forum: Newbie Tank April 17th, 2009, 22:04
Replies: 16
Views: 10,001
Posted By ledor473
Bio BB?


To begin I need to say that i'm pretty new in airsoft.
I know a guys that run a new paintball field, he's open about airsoft but one of his requirement is about BB. For the field owner (a...
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 4th, 2009, 22:27
Replies: 5
Views: 9,631
Posted By ledor473
I got a question about that, if the motor can...

I got a question about that, if the motor can handle 25A why we need to put a fuse?
Did a battery can really deliver more than 25-30A?

Did we put a fuse for protect the motor for the battery or...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 15th, 2009, 14:16
Replies: 38
Views: 22,051
Posted By ledor473
Amazing job dude! I personnaly dont like the...

Amazing job dude!
I personnaly dont like the very long silencer but it's not my gun :P
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 13th, 2009, 22:09
Replies: 12
Views: 13,573
Posted By ledor473
Nice GBB mp7 :D

Nice GBB mp7 :D
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 9th, 2009, 23:40
Replies: 38
Views: 22,051
Posted By ledor473
But you will paint that in black or let it like...

But you will paint that in black or let it like that?
Forum: Accessories Discussion March 7th, 2009, 21:46
Replies: 8
Views: 6,925
Posted By ledor473
Mine don't have this "feature" but if you open it...

Mine don't have this "feature" but if you open it (you will need to help it to fix that) and take some picture on both side it's gonna help us ;)

PS: I don't have any idea of the complexity of the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 7th, 2009, 14:55
Replies: 13
Views: 8,522
Posted By ledor473
Anyway if you buy a JG gearbox you will need to...

Anyway if you buy a JG gearbox you will need to open it and change the spring (m130 is too much...) so i think the best is to stick with ur tm gearbox
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 5th, 2009, 23:08
Replies: 13
Views: 8,522
Posted By ledor473
I have one in my M4 and i don't have any problem...

I have one in my M4 and i don't have any problem with it.... but i shoot like 200 round throw it so i'm not a good example.

I will see if its solid this summer ;)
Forum: Reviews March 5th, 2009, 00:27
Replies: 53
Views: 45,828
Posted By ledor473
No I don't want to buy it, it's too much.......

No I don't want to buy it, it's too much.... clear
My M4 and my pistol are enough for the moment ;)
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 5th, 2009, 00:25
Replies: 26
Views: 18,191
Posted By ledor473
The part 2 don't work for me... :'( EDIT:...

The part 2 don't work for me... :'(

EDIT: Good idea ;) I will check if my KWC S&W have a fixed hop-up and i will do this mod ;)
Forum: Reviews March 5th, 2009, 00:17
Replies: 53
Views: 45,828
Posted By ledor473
This shotgun look very breakable xD Can you...

This shotgun look very breakable xD

Can you be hard with the cocking handle or it's rough?

By the way Lythinca, it's not you on ur pic?
Showing results 1 to 50 of 79

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