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Search: Posts Made By: Xx William xX
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 15th, 2009, 19:54
Replies: 9
Views: 8,128
Posted By Xx William xX
My thoughts exactly. Please tell us where you...

My thoughts exactly. Please tell us where you picked that up.
Forum: Newbie Tank February 9th, 2009, 15:04
Replies: 44
Views: 31,587
Posted By Xx William xX
Some are legally imported with the proper...

Some are legally imported with the proper paperwork and permits.(No you can't do it.) The rest you would have to use your imagination I guess. Launched over the border with a big elastic band maybe??
Forum: Newbie Tank February 8th, 2009, 17:17
Replies: 44
Views: 31,587
Posted By Xx William xX
I never really doubted there is a cbsa list of...

I never really doubted there is a cbsa list of persons of interest. I just wonder what exactly you would have to do to get on it.
Forum: Newbie Tank February 8th, 2009, 16:11
Replies: 36
Views: 23,640
Posted By Xx William xX
Damn I wish I was a teenager.

Damn I wish I was a teenager.
Forum: Gear Discussion February 8th, 2009, 09:27
Replies: 0
Views: 2,761
Posted By Xx William xX
ebairsoft has man face palstic masks

Here it is. I don't know anything about them. Cheap though. $18.50
Forum: Newbie Tank February 8th, 2009, 09:06
Replies: 44
Views: 31,587
Posted By Xx William xX
If there is a blacklist. I think you would have...

If there is a blacklist. I think you would have to come to their attention a lot or get caught importing something serious like banned real steel parts. I have had a couple things seized. I haven't...
Forum: General February 4th, 2009, 21:24
Replies: 69
Views: 45,567
Posted By Xx William xX
Like I said relax. I didn't mean to offend you....

Like I said relax. I didn't mean to offend you. All I said was it may not be as bad as you think. Hopefully. I don't understand what is so wrong with that. Chill brother. The insults are appreciated...
Forum: General February 4th, 2009, 21:19
Replies: 69
Views: 45,567
Posted By Xx William xX
Can you see the future???

Can you see the future???
Forum: General February 4th, 2009, 21:07
Replies: 69
Views: 45,567
Posted By Xx William xX
Ya no kidding and that's why I light hardily...

Ya no kidding and that's why I light hardily tried to give you hope that maybe it won't turn out as bad as you think. That was a very minor part of any of my posts.You need to relax a bit.:rolleyes:
Forum: General February 4th, 2009, 18:08
Replies: 69
Views: 45,567
Posted By Xx William xX
Or it might just lead to a ban on importation of...

Or it might just lead to a ban on importation of replica guns with clear receivers. That should make a lot of people here happy including Amos. It would be the flavour of the month as far as media...
Forum: General February 4th, 2009, 17:20
Replies: 69
Views: 45,567
Posted By Xx William xX
Banning importation of clear guns was what I was...

Banning importation of clear guns was what I was talking about Comanche.
It would probably be easier to just put them on the banned for importation list than to right up new laws regarding airsoft...
Forum: General February 4th, 2009, 17:14
Replies: 69
Views: 45,567
Posted By Xx William xX
It would suck if they made all airsoft illegal(to...

It would suck if they made all airsoft illegal(to play it etc.). I wouldn't care if they just banned importation of clear guns.
Forum: General February 4th, 2009, 16:57
Replies: 69
Views: 45,567
Posted By Xx William xX
Who really cares if clear body guns get banned...

Who really cares if clear body guns get banned anyways? I know I will still be able to get my beautiful black guns . If you don't want to play with people that use them.... then don't.
Forum: General January 25th, 2009, 08:10
Replies: 14
Views: 8,339
Posted By Xx William xX
I don't know. They aren't even a registered user...

I don't know. They aren't even a registered user any longer. In the past when all their auctions disappeared they were at least still registered. It looks like they shut it down.
Forum: General January 25th, 2009, 07:41
Replies: 14
Views: 8,339
Posted By Xx William xX
I remember pricing out a bunch of mags on their...

I remember pricing out a bunch of mags on their store and ebay. The store was almost twice as much as their ebay store because of the shipping!! Hopefully they fixed their shipping calculator.
Forum: General January 24th, 2009, 08:19
Replies: 62
Views: 36,347
Posted By Xx William xX
I play when I can. Maybe once a month or so...

I play when I can. Maybe once a month or so averaged out over the year. I also collect. I have a few guns, some I use, some are just to purdy to use.
Forum: Newbie Tank January 16th, 2009, 18:27
Replies: 13
Views: 11,489
Posted By Xx William xX
If you want a new gun check out a Scar. Your mags...

If you want a new gun check out a Scar. Your mags will still be compatible with it. They are a comfortable gun to shoulder. They just feel right to me. Lots of rails so that you can further empty...
Forum: Airsoft Media December 20th, 2008, 18:20
Replies: 37
Views: 23,566
Posted By Xx William xX
It sure is a nice collection. I was just kidding....

It sure is a nice collection. I was just kidding. You do need more AK though!!
Forum: Airsoft Media December 18th, 2008, 16:45
Replies: 37
Views: 23,566
Posted By Xx William xX
That's it ??

That's it ??
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 24th, 2008, 14:45
Replies: 51
Views: 27,828
Posted By Xx William xX
Cash deal. After that you have never seen the gun...

Cash deal. After that you have never seen the gun or the buyer before in your life. Just don't sell it to a tool.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 17th, 2008, 21:02
Replies: 14
Views: 10,765
Posted By Xx William xX
It's cast right into the front sight etc. Doesn't...

It's cast right into the front sight etc. Doesn't appear to be any other threads under it.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 17th, 2008, 20:16
Replies: 14
Views: 10,765
Posted By Xx William xX
Mine is 20mm+.

Mine is 20mm+.
Forum: General November 10th, 2008, 19:27
Replies: 180
Views: 119,241
Posted By Xx William xX
That's the funniest thing I have seen posted on...

That's the funniest thing I have seen posted on ASC. :)
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 9th, 2008, 15:51
Replies: 37
Views: 20,245
Posted By Xx William xX
Most of the threads started work out just fine...

Most of the threads started work out just fine from what I have seen. It's usually people that wonder why they only got half their stuff (multiple packages) or it's been two weeks, where is my...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 8th, 2008, 18:23
Replies: 37
Views: 20,245
Posted By Xx William xX
He'll likely get the rest in a couple days. I...

He'll likely get the rest in a couple days. I can't believe how small of an order they will send in multiple packages sometimes. Just wait a bit you'll get them.
Forum: Airsoft Media October 5th, 2008, 09:35
Replies: 825
Views: 1,269,595
Posted By Xx William xX
Did somebody ask for a picture of a UMP? Plus a...

Did somebody ask for a picture of a UMP? Plus a Classic Army MP5A2.
Forum: Accessories Discussion September 25th, 2008, 18:30
Replies: 7
Views: 7,080
Posted By Xx William xX
I'm not sure if that is true. I had mags taken by...

I'm not sure if that is true. I had mags taken by customs. I still get plenty of packages unopened. Maybe it depends on what the item is that they seize.
Forum: Accessories Discussion September 20th, 2008, 15:19
Replies: 10
Views: 9,296
Posted By Xx William xX
I know. I am crazy not stupid. Just a couple...

I know. I am crazy not stupid. Just a couple other little things that are not allowed. No receivers or guns or anything like that.:)
Forum: Accessories Discussion September 20th, 2008, 13:19
Replies: 10
Views: 9,296
Posted By Xx William xX
Yes I hope so!! I don't always go for the sure...

Yes I hope so!! I don't always go for the sure bet. I am just happy I actually won one for a change!

I have a couple other items on the way that are a roll of the dice as well. This is my...
Forum: Accessories Discussion September 20th, 2008, 12:20
Replies: 10
Views: 9,296
Posted By Xx William xX
P90 Lowcap Mag

I just picked up my P90 lowcap, clear with bullets from the post office. I bought it from eHobby. It was opened, inspected and cleared by customs. I wonder if I just got my new favorite customs...
Forum: General September 16th, 2008, 18:52
Replies: 103
Views: 35,342
Posted By Xx William xX
Just because a few people have had problems...

Just because a few people have had problems doesn't mean anyone should be afraid to order from them. I've ordered tons of stuff from them and never had a problem. I would imagine that the vast...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 5th, 2008, 14:56
Replies: 59
Views: 52,992
Posted By Xx William xX
I think i read somewhere that JG makes the...

I think i read somewhere that JG makes the cybergun sig.
Forum: General August 11th, 2008, 19:57
Replies: 96
Views: 56,430
Posted By Xx William xX
I wish he would have gave a little notice. I sure...

I wish he would have gave a little notice. I sure would have liked to purchase my last cart contents. Oh well.
Forum: General August 2nd, 2008, 10:57
Replies: 192
Views: 244,263
Posted By Xx William xX
I disagree. I think everyone should sell their...

I disagree. I think everyone should sell their guns now! Sell them at as low a price as you can.($100 or so) You need to get rid of them a soon as possible. They are coming for you. I'll take all the...
Forum: General July 3rd, 2008, 16:31
Replies: 45
Views: 28,158
Posted By Xx William xX
Just received this email: Hi all, We...

Just received this email:

Hi all,

We forget to pay for my hosting renew money so ebaybanned be shut down from HKT 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm 3 July, 2008 . I saw some man said Paul are raided ? Why i...
Forum: Reviews June 10th, 2008, 08:28
Replies: 12
Views: 11,358
Posted By Xx William xX
This guy is strange. I bought a rear sight from...

This guy is strange. I bought a rear sight from him on ebay and it never came, I emailed him a few times and nothing. then six months later it came in the mail. I couldn't believe it. I figured that...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 28th, 2008, 19:01
Replies: 69
Views: 32,493
Posted By Xx William xX
For what it's worth I bought 3 Lycoans. I bought...

For what it's worth I bought 3 Lycoans. I bought them for guests to use. Two of them are the clear body with green grips. They chrono at 340 fps. The other one has tan grips with a black body. It...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 24th, 2008, 16:13
Replies: 26
Views: 23,532
Posted By Xx William xX
No I haven't tried to contact him since he said...

No I haven't tried to contact him since he said it would be around the end of March. I read about the rumored delay at customs. I figured I would wait until a week or so into April and if it doesn't...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 24th, 2008, 15:36
Replies: 26
Views: 23,532
Posted By Xx William xX
It is good to know that the gun is very tough. I...

It is good to know that the gun is very tough. I will most likely just use the 416 in my forest. We usually attack each other in an old dairy barn,the feed lot and out buildings. An Mp5 sized gun or...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 24th, 2008, 15:03
Replies: 26
Views: 23,532
Posted By Xx William xX
Ya I know but I've always been like that. When I...

Ya I know but I've always been like that. When I was I kid I would never use my expensive toys. I kept them nice and perfect on the shelf. Guess I haven't lost that. I probably will use my VFC 416 in...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 24th, 2008, 14:29
Replies: 26
Views: 23,532
Posted By Xx William xX
I have a VFC 416 on order with 007. It is...

I have a VFC 416 on order with 007. It is supposed to be here at the end of the month. I can't wait until it is safely in my hands. I might be able to sleep at night again. I might have to buy a Jg...
Forum: General March 22nd, 2008, 18:13
Replies: 24
Views: 15,152
Posted By Xx William xX
You don't need to try and smuggle mags. I've...

You don't need to try and smuggle mags. I've bought them by the box full. They were opened at customs and let through with no problems. Don't worry about them if they don't have fake bullets.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 22nd, 2008, 17:15
Replies: 3
Views: 5,374
Posted By Xx William xX
It will not cross the border.

It will not cross the border.
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 19th, 2008, 11:24
Replies: 3
Views: 4,793
Posted By Xx William xX
The tip isn't actually threaded on. It is glued...

The tip isn't actually threaded on. It is glued on over the threads. The threads are 14mm counter clockwise threads.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 19th, 2008, 11:04
Replies: 3
Views: 4,270
Posted By Xx William xX
Mine came with a large type battery but it has...

Mine came with a large type battery but it has the small connector on it. It has seven cells.
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 19th, 2008, 10:55
Replies: 3
Views: 4,793
Posted By Xx William xX
I just used a pair of vise grips and twisted it...

I just used a pair of vise grips and twisted it off. It is glued on pretty good. Then I used a knife to clean up the threads. They are full of glue.
Forum: Airsoft Media March 18th, 2008, 14:13
Replies: 67
Views: 70,899
Posted By Xx William xX
Very nice gun! As far as the scopes go. I'd get...

Very nice gun! As far as the scopes go. I'd get an Aimpoint, Acog or Eotech replica. They look the best in my opinion.
Forum: Airsoft Media March 5th, 2008, 18:53
Replies: 34
Views: 31,783
Posted By Xx William xX
Awesome collection!! I like how you have them...

Awesome collection!! I like how you have them organized by type of weapon now. Very nice! You should do a bit of wiring and put in some track lighting to showcase those beauties.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 5th, 2008, 15:19
Replies: 23
Views: 24,389
Posted By Xx William xX
Yeah I guess I just meant that they will fit. I...

Yeah I guess I just meant that they will fit. I wasn't thinking historically correct.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 5th, 2008, 13:53
Replies: 23
Views: 24,389
Posted By Xx William xX
Yes they are the same.

Yes they are the same.
Showing results 1 to 50 of 59

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